
at four in the morning

at four in the morning,
After calling a day,
while going back home,
I looked up and saw
thousands of thousands of stars
twinkling brightly at where
they should be.

All day long, wrestling with
thick, heavy, dark clouds
made up of unanswered prayer
and full of rain, desperately 
depressed and defeated,
“Am I abandoned?”

asked I, and soon realized
shining stars keep shouting out
about the truth of life and love,
“You are a special, beloved
daughter, and at the rigth time,
all your wishes will come true.

Do not be afraid.
I am your shield, your very great reward.”

Although I wrote this poem for my poetry workshop, it is my personal story. While looking at stars, they always reminds me of the Bible verse, "Do not be afraid. I am your shield, your very great reward (Genesis 15:1)," and gave me unmeasurable peace in my heart. Sometimes without proper reason, depression stroke me and dragged me down to the bottom. I cannot avoid emptiness and loneliness. Last two to three weeks, because of being afraid to be get hurt, I tried to ignore and reject the truth and how I felt, which made me so down and lonely; however, after studying late, I accidentally looked up and saw the twinkling starts. It amazed me and its beauty overwhelmed me with peace and calm. While work-shopping, there were several good suggestions for better version, but I just put the original one. No matter I used the cliche image, such as shining stars and truth of life and love, it was exactly the way I felt and the way I was learned from the moment.


Autumn in West Lafayette

It was beautiful and nice chilly autumn weather in West Lafayette. Always seeing sky in autumn, well, though not only fall, makes me the happiest thing. I am easily overwhelmed by its beauty. Who wouldn't? Love and blessed to be here, Purdue University, for good.


Heinrich Schliemann Language Learning

Heinrich Schliemann Language Learning
Since the world getting closer and smaller with the dramatic technological growth, learning the second language become one of the requirements to communicate with others. It only takes 14 hours to go to Asia from America, and there is no guarantee that neighbors moving into the next door will speak in English fluently. Since living in a college dorm in the United States, I have a roommate from China, and I myself also come from South Korea, outside of the United States. Not only communicating with the worldwide people, but also speaking in foreign languages may help to understand various cultures and thoughts all over the world with its own unique characteristics that cannot be translated. With globalization, speaking more than two languages become the ordinary expectation; however, language learning is not an easy process.
Even though in the outside of the United States spends much time and money to learn English and tries to invest a new striking and easy method to get a language more quickly and more accurately, it still remains as the national problem. Despite extreme cases due to these two countries highly concentrating on education and being sensitive about globalization, in Japan, there is a political debate on making English as the national language along its own language, and in South Korea, preschools speaking in only English get more popular and more competitive to get into every year. In my case, I have learned English since being fourth grade, started to learn Japanese as the second language after being in a middle school, and also learned Spanish in a high school in the United States; however, compared to time I spent on studying foreign languages, the result was not fully satisfaction.
In the world history, there was a man who could speak eighteen different languages fluently, acquired by his own language learning method. His name is Heinrich Schliemann, the well-known archaeologist and excavator of Troy. When he became twenty-two years old, he was able to speak, of course, in German, his mother tongue, and in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, and Portuguese, and at the age of forty, he also made himself fluently speak in ten more languages including Greek (Jahn). With his fame of discovering Troy, his extraordinary language skill also got spotlighted and his own language learning method became an interesting subject to research among linguists.
It is based on reading, writing, and memorization of the target language. There were three roles before starting;
“a) the value of language acquisition - “every new language one acquires is a new life …” b) the desirability of learning a number of language, but only at a time - “man’s head which is continually constrained by the study of too many languages at once falls into an incurable chronical confusion …”
c) the right method of study - “to read much aloud, never to make translations, to write always dissertations on subjects that interest us, to correct them under the eye of the teacher, to commit them to memory and to repeat them word by word in the lesson of the following day”. (Carvalho).
The way of learning his first foreign language, English, well showed how he acquired many languages by only his self-instruction. First, he spent at least an hour a day with a native speaker. He read with his voice and wrote about his interests. His writings were corrected by a native speaker and he memorized a correct version of his writings. He tried not to waste his time and in every minute, he tried to memorize the target language, even while waiting for falling asleep. He went to two English church services, one for exposing himself to the target language and the other for repeating what he had heard. After getting English and training memorization by his language learning method, the period of getting new languages became shorter and shorter, and later he only needed six weeks. For six months, Heinrich Schliemann exposed himself to English about 1350 hours, as same as seven years of traditional language learning method (Jahn).
Speaking in eighteen different languages made Heinrich Schliemaan as a linguist genius; however, Jurgen Jahn stated that he is “a self-motivated and self-directed second language learner (Jahn).” He knew what he wants and its economical benefic of language learning, which was enough to make him motivated, and he knew how to study efficiently. In 1863, to his brother Ernst, he wrote a letter saying, “Man endowed with energy can easily learn a language merely from books and without any assistance from a teacher. Talent means energy and perseverance and nothing more.” Acquiring new languages might not be as hard as expected and it only requires for more energy and passion to get into the target language. In the article, How Much Comprehensible Input did Heinrich Schliemann Get? By Stephen d. Krashen, brought Honer’s statement on Heinrich Schliemann’s language learning method and said, “Heinrich Schliemann was this kind of learner, a person who was able to transfer linguistic knowledge “from the conscious to the unconscious stores.”

Works Cited
Carvalho, Elizabeth. "Heinrich Schliemann, the linguist." Aegeus Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Nov.
Jahn, Jurgen. "A Self-Motivated and Self-Directed Second Language Learner: Heinrich
Schliemann." The Modern Language Journal 63.5/6 (1979): 273-76. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.
Krashen, Stephen D. "How Much Comprehensible Input did Heinrich Schliemann Get?" System
19.3 (1991): 189-90. Web. 4 Nov. 2013.


Headwaters, Ellen Bryant Voigt

Ellen Bryant Voigt
hardcover, 55 pages
published October 21st, 2013 by W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN 0393083209
ISBN-13 9780393083200

If she did not visit Purdue University for the poetry reading, I might not read her new released collection, Headwaters, yet. Actually due to lack of knowledge on contemporary poetry, I did know nothing about her, but only her name and finalist of Pulitzer prize. Even though bought this book to get her autograph at her poetry reading, I could not attend the meeting, unluckily. Even though having tried to write a book review on her poetry collection, I decided to write it later. It has been little long since I had done reading, and I made my decision to re-read them, again, and try to memorize her poems.

*But there were three-four remarkable elements while reading her poetry; lack of punctuation and capitalization, inner rhyme and repetition.


I made a large mistake I left my house I went into the world it was not
the most perilous hostile part but I couldn't tell among the people there

who needed what no tracks in the snow no boot pointed toward me or away
no snow as in my dooryard only the many currents of self-doubt I clung

to my own life raft I had room on it for only me you're not surprised
it grew smaller and smaller or maybe I grew larger and heavier

but don't you think I'm doing better in this regard I try to do better


years of unearthing the rocks out of the field and soon enough
you've built a stone wall the longer the marriage

the less the need for trying to agree but we've agreed
what will happen at the end of it nothing

except the old immutable forms
like a shovel shared at the grave for texts

Ecclesiastes so the bereaved
can choose whether to believe

that death is a kind of hibernation this spring the groundhog
foraging in our yard was smaller thinner a strange

perpendicular crimp in its tail which proved
to the rational mind it was a different creature but look beloved

how by late summer it's fattened out how its coat now gleams how
when frightened it also hurries into the barn


another heavy frost what doesn't die or fly away
the groundhog for instance the bear is deep in sleep I'm thinking
a lot about sleep translation I'm not sleeping much
who used to be a champion of sleep
ex-champions are pathetic my inner parent says the world
is full of evil death cruelty degradation not sleeping
scores only 2 out of 10
                                     but a moral sense
is exhausting I am exhausted a coma looks good to me
if only I could be sure there'd still be dreams it's what I miss the most
even in terrible dreams at least you feel what you feel not what
you're supposed to feel your house burns down so what
if you survived you rake the ashes sobbing
from trying to not smoke I once asked for a simple errand
from my beloved who wanted me not to smoke he forgot unforgivable
I fled the house like an animal wounded enraged I was thinking
more clearly than I had ever thought my thought was why

prolong this life I flung myself into the car I drove like a fiend
to the nearest store I asked unthinking for unfiltered Luckies oh
brand of my girlhood I paid the price I took my prize to the car I slit
the cellophane I tapped out one perfect white cylinder I brought to my face

the smell of the barns the fires cooking it golden brown smell of my father
my uncles my grandfather's tin of loose tobacco his packet of delicate paper
the deliberate way he rolled and licked and tapped and lit and drew in
and relished it the smell of the wild girls behind the gym the boys
in pickup trucks I sat in my car as the other cars crept by
I looked like a pervert it was perverse
a Lucky under my nose
                                   I drove myself home
I threw away the pack which was unwise the gods
don't notice whining they notice the brief bright flares of human will
they lean from their couches yes more fear and dread for that one
yes let's turn the suffering up a notch let's watch her
strike the match i strike it now when I wake
in the dark I light that little fire

30 October 2013


Heinrich Schliemann Inspiration

While tweeting yesterday, I had a chance to use the name, Heinrich Schliemann, as a metaphor for who proved what he believed is true; however, the more strongly influential fact was that he was able to speak fluently in 15 other languages, acquired by his own learning methods. He actually memorized foreign language books. I changed my research paper for the Advanced Composition class from Victor Hugo to Heinrich Schliemann language learning.
His self-motivation and self-directed goal absolutely inspired me, and made me read about his life and thoughts. I wanted to live like him, adventure and studious. He just became my life role-model, which changed my reading plan for this week.
I was planning to read 1) Rewriting: How to Do Things with Texts, 2) Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace, 3) Autobiography of W. E. B. Du Bois, and a fiction I have, but now replacing whichever fiction I was thinking to read to "Schliemann of Troy: Treasure and Deceit" by David A Traill. Although not sure it is actually his biography, pretty sure it is about his life and adventure.
In addition, I started his method of language learning on Japanese by memorizing "Between Calm and Passion" by Ekuni Gaori. It has been more than seven years I did not speak and study Japanese, but still little remember very basic grammar role and hope that Japanese for dummies could help to improve my language skill. I believe it might take about six months, but an hour everyday with joy.


Poetry collections

Next week, 6 November 2013, Poet Rodney Jones will visit Purdue University for the poetry reading, and to prepare Q&A section, I bought his poetry collection; however, right next to his book, there was another poetry collection by Mary Oliver, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. For English language learning followed by the method of Heinrich Schliemann, I decided to memorize poems, and the first poetry collection I try to memorize is Rodney Jones's Imaginary Logic. His collection gave me good feeling since the first page says, "Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? Ecclesiastes 3:21." Despite lack of knowledge on him, Bible verse delivered good image on his poetry and hope I enjoy the reading. 


29 October 2013

Even though done reading Ellen Bryant Voigt's Headwaters, I kept forgetting to write a review. I might fail to manage my time or to control emotional fluctuation.

Today, accidentally discovered that Heinrich Schliemann, who found Troy, was able to speak in 15 languages by his own language learning method, which is to memorize all things he read. It really motivated me and I decide to memorize what I read now on.

It might be driving me crazy, but so much fun. Here I start the language madness.

Also, sometimes, people go irrational and try to believe themselves logical. Annoying!


Billy Graham's The Reason For My Hope, 1st day [2 Corinthians 5:17]

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

"True Christianity is not religion. True Christianity is faith in Christ alone."

"Becoming a Christian means that Jesus Christ comes into your life and takes over. It is a totally new outlook that is not satisfied with anything less than penetration into the furthest corners of the soul and the understanding."

""Becoming a Christian means no longer living for yourself but for God in obedience to Him. You must leave the old life behind and step into a new way of living, where Christ makes possible what you think impossible."

Last night, while reading Matthew, all of sudden, I felt like God asking me, "do you believe that I am able to do this?" It was hard for me to say yes at that moment, because I felt so defeated and rejected every moment I lived in this world. I have the strong desire to change the world and work for His Kingdom, but every time I pray for something, the answers were mostly "not yet" or "no." Although I knew my prayer requests was not for His righteousness and Kingdom,  but for my desires, rejection always hurts. With my wrong desire, I wanted to get everything in this world and asked everything I wanted, no matter I needed or not and no matter it's right or wrong. I really need to confess my faith in front of God and ask for the strong faith in God.
I do believe that God allowed me to live brand new life that I've never dreamed of and made me the way He wanted to use me. I do believe that Jesus Christ is the only way, light, and truth that I need to hold for the life. I do believe that He hang on the cross for my deadly sin. I do believe that He is the only God and Lord. I do believe that He really takes care of me. Just I need to believe more firmly and follow His guide. Since becoming new creation in Jesus Christ, try not to focus on the past and only by prayer and request, with gratitude, prepare the path in the future.


20 October 2013, 23rd Birthday

20 October 2013
It was my 23rd birthday.
Once again, all my friends reminded me of how much I am loved and cared.
Becoming 23 is much more meaningful period for me, and hopefully, I can finish my stories and poems and published.
I believe with the desire, I use my time for his kingdom and his righteousness.
Thank you all for my birthday wishes and love.


The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros

The House on Mango Street
Sandra Cisneros
paperback, 25th Anniversary Edition, 110 pages
published April 3rd, 1991 by Vintage
(first published 1984)
ISBN 0679734775
ISBN-13 9780679734772
edition language English
characters Esperanza, Nanny
setting Chicago, Illinois
literary awards George C. Stone Center for Children's Books Recognition of Merit Award (1994)

Brief, but not light, good to read for a quick break.

Before my American Literature after Civil War class introduce me the book, I've not known either Sandra Cisneros or The House on Mango Street. I am really glad my professor used this book for class discussion, although not exactly remember what the discussion was about after a year. Rereading the book let me think more then text.

In my opinion, the way she wrote might be the way she tells as she said in the last chapter, Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes, "I like to tell stories. I tel them inside my head," and the way she tells makes it so poetic. She used many repetition and parallelism to express her emotional depth and to emphasize her thoughts. Like telling stories orally, its vocabularies are not hard and easy to follow.

I actually LOVE this book, even though I gave only four stars. I gave four stars for a reason. It might be the problem of mine, but its short short chapter and slightly connected chapter sometimes interrupt my focus; however, ironically, I still like its short short chapter due to easy reading. These are the stories of her own and a true girl. There was no hesitation to show herself directly, and her thoughts and life was well drawn with beauty of language and of imagination. Mango Street is not only referring to where she lived, but also to where her identity was set. My most favorite parts are the story about her name and her complex. Every facts around people has more than its purpose, they all have its own story for every individual, and this book well tells about her life and her stories. Maybe because she is a Hispanic writer, words she used are so colorful.

Someday, I want to rewrite her story by my own story.


The Souls fo Black Folk

The Forethought
"Before each chapter, as now printed, stands a bar of the Sorrow Songs,-some echo of haunting melody from the only American music which welled up from black souls in the dark past. And, finally, need I add that I who speak here am bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of them that lived within the Veil?"

Chapter 1. Of Our Spiritual Strivings
"O water, voice of my heart, crying in the sand, 
     All night long crying with a mournful cry,
As I  lie and listen, and cannot understand
     The voice of my heart in my side or the voice of the sea,
  O water, crying for rest, is it I, is it I?
        All night long the water is crying to me.

Unresting watter, ther shall never be rest
     Till the last moon droop and the last tide fail,
And the fire of the end begin to burn in the west;
     And the heart shall be weary and wonder and cry like the sea,
  All life long crying without avail,
       As the water all night long is crying to me.
Arthur Symons"

Chapter 2. Of the Dawn of Freedom
"Careless seems the great Avenger;
History's lessons but record
One death-grapple in the darkness
'Twixt old systems and the Word;
Truth forever on the scaffold,
Wrong forever on the throne;
Yet that scaffold sways the future,
And behind the dim unknown
Standeth God within the shadow
Keeping watch above His own.

Chapter 3. Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others
"From birth till death enslaved; in words, in deed, unmanned!

Hereditary bondsmen! know ye not
Who would be free themselves must strike the blow?

Chapter 4. Of the Meaning of Progress
Willst Du Deine Macht verkunden,
Wahle sie die frei von Sunden,
Steh'n in Deinum ew'gen Haus!
Deine Geister sende aus!
Die Unsterblichen, die Reinen,
Die nicht fuhlen, die nicht weinen!
Nicht die zarte Jungfrau wahle,
Nicht der Hirtin weiche Seele!

Chapter 5. Of the Wings of Atalanta
"O black boy of Atlanta!
   But half was spoken;
The slave's chains and the master's
   like are broken;
The one curse of the races
   Held both in tether;
They are rising -all are rising-
   The black and white together.

Chapter 6. Of the Training of Black Men
"Why, if the Soul can fling the Dust aside,
And naked on the Air of Heaven ride, 
   Weren't not a Shame- wer't not a Shame for him
In this clay carcase crippled to abide?
Omar Khayyam (Fitzgerald)"

Chapter 7. Of the Black Belt
"I am black but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem,
As the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon
Look not upon me, because I am black,
Because the sun hath looked upon me:
My mother's children were angry with me;
They made me the keeper of the vineyards;
But mine own vineyard have I not kept.
The Song of Solomon" 

Chapter 8. Of the Quest of the Golden Fleece
"But the Brute said in his breast, "Till the mills I grind have ceased,
The riches shall be dust of dust, dry ashes be the feast!

     "On the strong and cunning few
     Cynic favors I will strew;
I will stuff their maw with overplus until their spirit dies;
     From the patient the the low
     I will take the joys they know;
     They shall hunger after vanities and still an-hugnered go.
Madness shall be on the people, ghastly jealousies arise;
Brother's blood shall cry on brother up the dead and empty skies."
William Vaughn Moody."

Chapter 9. Of the Sons of Master and Man
"Life treads on life, and heart on heart;
We press too close in church and mart
To keep a dream or grave apart.
Mrs. Browning."

Chapter 10. Of the Faith of the Fathers
"Dim face of Beauty haunting all the world,
   Fair face of Beauty all too fair to see,
Where the lost stars adown the heavens are hurled,-
     There, there alone for thee
     May white peace be.

Beauty, sad face of Beauty, Mystery, Wonder,
   What are these dreams to foolish babbling men
Who cry with little noises 'neath the thunder
     Of Ages ground to sand,
     To a little sand.
Fiona Macleod"

Chapter 11. Of the Passing of the First-Born
"O sister, sister, thy first-begotten,
The hands that cling and the feet that follow,
The voice of the child's blood crying yet,
Who hath remembered me? who hath forgotten?
Thous has forgotten, O summer swallow,
But the world shall end when I forget.

Chapter 12. Of Alexander Crummell
"Then from the Dawn it seemed there came, but faint
As from beyond the limit of the world,
Like the last echo born of a great cry,
Sounds, as if some fair city were one voice
Around a king returning from his wars.

Chapter 13. Of the Coming of John
"What bring they 'neath the midnight,
     Beside the River-sea?
They bring the human heart wherein
     No nightly calm can be;
That droppeth never with the wind,
     Nor drieth with the dew;
O calm it, God; thy calm is broad
     To cover spirits too.
       The river floweth on.
"Mrs. Browning."

Chapter 14. The Sorrow Songs
"I walk through the churchywar
To lay this body down;
I know moon-rise, I know star-rise;
I walk in the moonlight, I walk in the starlight;
I'll lie in the grave and stretch out my arms,
I'll go to judgment in the evening of the day,
And my soul and thy soul shall meet that day,
When I lay this body down.
Negro Song."

The Afterthought
"Hear my cry, O God the Reader; vouchsafe that this my book fall not still-born into the world-wilderness. Let there spring, Gentle One, from out its leaves vigor of thought and thoughtful deed to reap the harvest wonderful. ... Thus in Thy good time may infinite reason turn the tangle straight, and these crooked marks on a fragile leaf be not indeed."

The Soul of Black Folk, W. E. B. Du Bois

My friend

While in an introduction of poetry writing workshop with Mary Leader, one of my fall semester courses, I wrote a letter to my friend using a poetry form, who will graduate in this winter. Due to writing in application for blogposting, even though poem should be single space, it seem double, which really made me frustrated. I am like deep meaning and structured poem. Well. just post it.


My friend

Kylie, having known
for three years
since college freshmen
allowed to have, for me,
special comfort, memories
care and friendship, love,
in my history of
early twenties, when
the time period, mostly,
I stumbled, struggled,
easily got confused and hurt;
however, with you, be able
to survive from loneliness.
I am blessed to have you
as a friend in an early age.

Everyday, pray for you;
your family, your people.
Hope my prayer protect
your way, future, and provide
full of happiness.

Don't forget how beautiful
and lovely you are, no matter
what others say.  



September 9, 2013

 Due to two hours of nap from yesterday, I could not fall asleep until four in the morning, which made me really upset and frustrated. However, with alarm ringing, I got up about five thirty, but closed my eyes again. Once again I opened eyes at seven, but with tiresome, I stayed at the bed thirty minutes. Not being able to fall asleep is really frustrating and angry moment yesterday. I blamed on everything happening. Well, sleeping well is the best present that human beings ever get.

"Blood Drive"
It was my first blood donation in the United States, and in my entire life. I realized how healthy I am through survey before taking the blood out. Since a huge needle went into my thin left arm, I was scared to death and cannot even see what was going on. They gave me a bottle of water and some snack to take my blood, but still feel great.

However, taking blood out made me tired and take more nap than yesterday ... :(



What a beautiful day and love to take pictures of sky.

September 8, 2013

 In the morning, I opened my eyes at 4:30 a.m., but because it was too early for me to wake up, I tried to sleep again its time became full of dreams, I cannot even remember. 

Anyway, as always, I went to church and listened to sermon on Psalm 86:1-4, (KJV),

"Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.
Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee.
Be merciful unto me, O LORD: for I cry unto thee daily.
Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul." 

While listening to sermon, one idea, "is the way you think like Pharisees," stroke me and made me confess on what I've thought and done. Even though knowing that have no right to judge others since we all are same, I always made my own excuses to make a judgement. Trying not to judge others is very hard for me, maybe for people and Christians, to stop from the influence of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of tree of knowing good and evil. 

After church, went to Payless and "Hana mart," Korean supermarket in West Lafayette, IN, and ate a double cheese burger at Daily Queen in Purdue West. After eating a double cheese burger and talking with friends, went to take a nap, really good one, lasting two hours. I personally think that Daily Queen's double cheese burger is the best! Even better than McDonald.

While watching a television show, it mentioned Victor Hugo's "The Man Who Laughs," which definitely grabbed my attention and intellectual interest. Even though the movie, Les Miserables, made me interested in Victor Hugo, not enough to made me read a book-not sure why; however, this one and interests in him made me desire to study French and read in his own language. I am not sure I can complete it or not, but if get a chance, I really want to study about him, since he is the one I am dreaming of, "poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, and human rights campaigner."

Also during searching for cool postcards, I found out one of the way reading books, making reading postcards, drawing a picture on the front and writing words to a main character, author, or another reader. I am really bad at drawing, but since desire to make a good one, may read some book about drawing. 

Well. I failed to manage my time, but still dreamed and planned my challenges. 

Key words for my desire
  1. W. E. B. Du Bois
  2. Victor Hugo
  3. Jane Austen
  4. Stephen King
  5. John Milton
  6. French
  7. German
  8. Chinese
  9. Japanese
  10. English
  11. Hebrew
  12. Latin
  13. Photography
  14. Climbing
  15. Reading books
  16. Writing poetry and stories
  17. Drawing
  18. knitting
  19. Playing guitar
  20. Bible!!!!!!!!!



When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change the nation.

When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn't change the town and as older man, I tried to change my family.

Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, and suddenly I realize that if long ago I had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family.

My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed the nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

- Words on a tombstone of an Anglican bishop buried in Westminister Abbey


While looking at my memos on my iPad, I found this note. I cannot remember where I got this one, but it is pretty famous words. I do really agree that only thing I can change is myself, and its impact will change the world. From now on, I will put as much efforts as possible on changing myself for good and hope its impact change my surrounding.

  1. Sleep early, and start a day early.
  2. Put some oxygen into cells in the morning. (exercise)
  3. Drink 3 bottles of 500ml water.
  4. Always smile and do my best on everything I have to do.


The Conservation of Races, W. E. B. DuBois (1897)

"Here, then, is the dilemma, and it is a puzzling one, I admit. No Negro who has given earnest thought to the situation of his people in America has failed, at some time in life, to find himself at these crossroads; has failed to ask himself at some time: what, after all, am I? Am i an American or am I a Negro? Can I be both? Or is it my duty to cease to be a Negro as soon as possible and be an American? If I strive as a Negro, am I not perpetuating the very cleft that threatens and separates black and white America? Is not my only possible practical aim the subduction of all that is Negro in me to the American? Does my black blood place upon me any more obligation to assert my nationality than German, or Irish or Italian blood would?" p. 43

"Academy Creed:

  1. We believe that the Negro people, as a race, have a contribuion to make to civilization and humanity, which no other race can make.
  2. We believe it the duty of the Americans of Negro descent, as a bodyy, to maintain their race identity until this mission of the Negro peole is accomplished, and the ideal of human brotherhood has become a practical possibility.
  3. We believe that, unless modern civilization is a failure, it is entirely feasible and practicable for two races in such essential politicaal, economic and religious harmony as the white and colored peole of Amereica, to develop side by side in peace and mutual happiness, the peculiar contribbution which each has to make to the culture of their common country.
  4. As a means to this end we advocate, not such social equality between these races as would disregard human likes and dislikes, but such a social equilibrium as would, throughout all the complicated relations of life, give due and just consideration to culture, ability, and moral worth, whether they befound under white or black skins.
  5. We believe that the first and greatest sstep toward the settlement of the present friction between the races-commonly called the Negro problem-lies in the correction of the immorality, crime andd laziness among the Negroes themselves, which still remains as a heritage from slavery. We believe that only earnest and long continued efforts on our own part can cure these social ills.
  6. We believe that the second great step toward a better adjustment of the relations between the races should be a more impartial selection of ability in the economic and intellectual world, and a greater respect for personal liberty and worth, regardless of race. We believe that only earnes efforts on the part of the white people of this country will bring much needed reform in these matters.
  7. On the basis of the foregoing declaration, and firmly believing in our high destiny, we, as American Negroes, are resolved to strive in every honorable way for the realization of the best and highest aims, for the development of strong manhood and pure womanhood, and for the rearing of a race ideal in America and Africa, to the glory of God and the uplifting of the Negro people." p. 46-47

In W. E. B. Du Bois Reader

Edited by Eric J. Sundquist

Oxford University Press, Inc, 1996



In the end of the first week



Yesterday, I just completed the first week of my senior year at college and really tried not to skip any classes this semester. It has already been three years I came to college and Purdue gave me tons of memories, even though many urban people say there is nothing to do in the middle of Indiana corn field. I've done many fun things, such as fountain run, and learned not only about major but also having fun. Since it is one of the biggest college in the states, many well-known and famed people came to lecture and teach in school.

This semester, I am taking six courses, and as always I made a decision every semester, I will really try hard to keep working on my blog. :( May due to my laziness, it is really hard to keep doing something, but at the age of 22, becoming 23 in October, I must complete at least a thing and this blog is the one. With the courses I am taking right now, Poetry writing, W. E. B. DuBois, British Literature, Advance composition, Physical geology, and Statistics, I mainly post on what I've done studying and reading, but also trying to post on essays and thoughts. To start Ads on twitter, maybe make myself as a powerblogger? Wish me a luck!



Evolv Women's Electra VTR Climbing Shoe


Evolv Women's Electra VTR Climbing Shoe, Violet, 6.5 M US

Price $89.00 $88.95

Evolv's top selling women's shoe just got better. The Elektra VTR has all the same great features as the original Elektra plus more. A low volume toe box, arch, and heel provides optimum performance without forfeiting any comfort.

Evolv Sports & Designs Co. is dedicated to creating cutting-edge performance climbing shoes and high-traction footwear of the highest quality. Their climbing shoes are assembled in U.S.A. and they are proud to sponsor world-class athletes like Chris Sharma, Chris Lindner and many more. They also take pride in their world-class research and development team who thoughtfully design innovative products while continuously improving on existing models. They also offer more vegan-friendly styles than any other climbing shoe company in the world.

  • 1mm half length midsole.
  • Non stretch upper material for consistent performance.
  • Perforated upper for breathability and comfort.
  • Lower volume toe box, arch and heel for improved women's fit.

Item Model Number ELECTRA VTR

Dimensions 12 ounces

Shipping weight 1 pounds


*****It arrived earlier than I expected. As soon as I realized what it was, excitement overwhelmed me; however, it was too tight for me. Although it was possible to put my left foot, not for the right one, because my right foot is a half size bigger than my left one, and it was right after working out which made my feet swollen. Anyway, next day I tried again and it really tightly fit. For climbing shoe, smaller is better than bigger. I decide to wear them and surprisingly it actually fit my feet. At first, it hurt, but later, its size became mine. I like that there was no string for tie shoes and its color. Also compared to other shoes, I love the price, seventy nine dollars some cents. Although not sure on arch, toe box and heel are totally good enough for both climbing and bouldering. If you are just a beginner, it might be better than any other and I witnessed my friend who also got this one like it.







Pandamimi Deluxe Cover


Pandaimi Deluxe Cover for Samsung i9300, Galaxy S3 I9300, I747, L710, T999, i535 - AT&T, T Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, U.S. Cellular, Screen Protector

Price $2.60 + $1.00 Shipping

Brand new high quality protective faceplate phone cover to protect your phone from scratches, dust, or anything else that comes into contact. While allowing easy access to keypads, side button, camera, and port.

  • Premium hard case is perfectly manufactured to fit and compliment the mold of your samsung galaxyy s3 i9300.
  • Specially designed case that has a hard plastic outer shell with Chrome and Bling Diamond Crystal Peacock.
  • Provides protection and prevents scratches, chips and dirt from accumulating.
  • Made from durable high quality plastic, provides maximum protection for your iPhone.
  • Precisely cut openings to allow full access to all the functions of your phone.

Manufacturer Pandamimi

Manufacturer reference TOOGOO

Shipping Weight 0.8 ounces


Amazon.com Sales Rank 1272

***** Once I got an item, I thought, "um. it's really sparkling, little outdated, and too oriental." Since its figure is a hawk, somehow gave me the image of eastern culture as Chinese and Japanese-even though these two countries are very different in culture. Also with its figure, phone became twice thicker than cell phone itself. However, it has been more than two weeks I am using it and attracted me more than any style. I am a person who like something unique and special, and it is good enough for me to fulfill my requirement-unique and special. Because it delivered from Hong Kong, as I know, not many people in United States have it and I believe that I might be the only one who have this item. I am also really thankful to the seller for a thoughtful manner putting a screen protector film and spare jewels with a glue. Its case and figure sticked together really firmly, stronog enough. Although its details are a little error, that little jewels was not really fit into the holes, not a big deal. It still sparkles and shines, and compared to its price, high quality and beautiful design. Keep in mind that pink jewels are way darker than pictures on Amazon. It is not bright pinky color, but dark redish one. Good for a college student, who wants to have cheap and pretty thing.



What really inspires a lasting sense of well-being?

While reading Times magazine in coffee shop, the first question it asked me was "what happiness is." For last two weeks, I've been feeling really great and having so much fun everyday by doing some personal things. During two weeks, there was a phrase capturing my brain and mind, "Life is full of joy and so lovable." Although many people know that happiness is not only from material matters, but also from spiritual matters. I won't lie on my happiness of getting a scholarship, but still believe that there might be more than just a scholarship matter. Then what made me so happy about life?
It has been more than a week trying to live under the regular routine, waking up and going to bed early and exercising everyday with drinking more than one and a half liter water, and I believe that it help me to feel happiness of life. By getting a wrong concept of "freedom," I always thought that freedom is living without any kind of rules, doing whatever I want to do, and not caring what others think and say, but actually freedom was not what I believe what it was. I usually woke up and went to bed really late night, and also wasted so much time not to do anything; however, this type of life brought me unbearable depression and mood swing. As human beings were designed, going to bed at night and waking up in the morning, doing some work during day and resting during night, following the regular routine made me free from all the mood problems and provided me the positive thoughts on making every choice. When I felt tired of everything due to lack of sleep, I couldn't find any happiness with my bad mood, but a good feeling by being on the routine help me to find some amazing mystery of the world, such as how flowers shine itself or how birds fly to seek their honey.
A lasting sense of well-being might be right next to you, depending on how well manage one's life. Happiness is not about money matter - but not going to say it didn't have any influence - but about how we live, which affects the most on moods and thoughts. One who manage can live in happiness, and one who lives in happiness can see the world widely, and one who see the world widely do some good things for the world. Money matters, not a big deal. But a living style matters. Do not mess up with your life style, set some regular, proper routine to keep yourself up. Cheer, wonderful life.




Got the scholarship!

It has been a month since I applied to the scholarship with a recommendation of my pastor, and yesterday after came home from fountain run, which was so much fun, there was a mail. I really thank God for everything he supplied me sufficiently and help me because it was not from my ability, but from grace. I really thank to every one who helped me. Life is full of joy no matter what happen because God is with me wherever I go.



Introduction to LSAT

 LSAT is the Law School Admission Test practicing in the United states. It is a multiple-choice test consisting of 99 to 102 question with a 35-min essay question and a four-hour test. To anyone who thinks of getting into a law school in the states, they must need this test score since every law school ask for it. There were four times for a year; February, June, September/October, and December and its score scale is from 120 to 180. Its average score is 152, which is almost 60 percent correct. 

 Test schedule
1) Game (35 min)
2) Experimental Reading Comprehension (35 min)
3) Arguments (35 min)
- 10 min break
4) Reading Comprehension (35 min)
5) Arguments (35 min) 
6) Writing Sample (35 min)
 * Experimental and writing sections are not scored, and writing sample will send to the law school.

The structure of Arguments section
- (24-26 questions) mostly 1 question/ 1arguments 
- although every question has 3-4 lines, words are very heavy and important and skill is needed

The structure of a Game Section
- 4 logic games (a setup and conditions/clues given)
- 5-7 questions for every logic game

The structure of a Reading Comprehension section
- 4 reading comprehension passages about 60-80 lines; 3 passages written by one author, but last one passage is a combination of two shorter passages from different sources on the same topic.
- 5-8 questions for each passage.

General Strategy
1) Don't Rush, 2) Fill in eery bubble, 3) Use process of Elimination, 4) Be prepared for every environment, 5) Practice consistently on real LSATs, 6) Keep your pencil moving to focus!!!

I just started to study LSAT and maybe some information and studying I did be posted on this blog.

John Purdue Statue

What made me surprized was this new statue of John Purdud, a founder of the university. He was the donator for the university :^)**