
In the end of the first week



Yesterday, I just completed the first week of my senior year at college and really tried not to skip any classes this semester. It has already been three years I came to college and Purdue gave me tons of memories, even though many urban people say there is nothing to do in the middle of Indiana corn field. I've done many fun things, such as fountain run, and learned not only about major but also having fun. Since it is one of the biggest college in the states, many well-known and famed people came to lecture and teach in school.

This semester, I am taking six courses, and as always I made a decision every semester, I will really try hard to keep working on my blog. :( May due to my laziness, it is really hard to keep doing something, but at the age of 22, becoming 23 in October, I must complete at least a thing and this blog is the one. With the courses I am taking right now, Poetry writing, W. E. B. DuBois, British Literature, Advance composition, Physical geology, and Statistics, I mainly post on what I've done studying and reading, but also trying to post on essays and thoughts. To start Ads on twitter, maybe make myself as a powerblogger? Wish me a luck!


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