
Billy Graham's The Reason For My Hope, 1st day [2 Corinthians 5:17]

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

"True Christianity is not religion. True Christianity is faith in Christ alone."

"Becoming a Christian means that Jesus Christ comes into your life and takes over. It is a totally new outlook that is not satisfied with anything less than penetration into the furthest corners of the soul and the understanding."

""Becoming a Christian means no longer living for yourself but for God in obedience to Him. You must leave the old life behind and step into a new way of living, where Christ makes possible what you think impossible."

Last night, while reading Matthew, all of sudden, I felt like God asking me, "do you believe that I am able to do this?" It was hard for me to say yes at that moment, because I felt so defeated and rejected every moment I lived in this world. I have the strong desire to change the world and work for His Kingdom, but every time I pray for something, the answers were mostly "not yet" or "no." Although I knew my prayer requests was not for His righteousness and Kingdom,  but for my desires, rejection always hurts. With my wrong desire, I wanted to get everything in this world and asked everything I wanted, no matter I needed or not and no matter it's right or wrong. I really need to confess my faith in front of God and ask for the strong faith in God.
I do believe that God allowed me to live brand new life that I've never dreamed of and made me the way He wanted to use me. I do believe that Jesus Christ is the only way, light, and truth that I need to hold for the life. I do believe that He hang on the cross for my deadly sin. I do believe that He is the only God and Lord. I do believe that He really takes care of me. Just I need to believe more firmly and follow His guide. Since becoming new creation in Jesus Christ, try not to focus on the past and only by prayer and request, with gratitude, prepare the path in the future.

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