
No matter where you go, there is always the garden for you.

"There are always things to miss," said Maggie. "No matter where you are." p.46
"You must have a garden. Wherever you are." p.47

It was my starting book of Patricia MacLachlan series, although I was planning to read only three of them. While reading the beginning when Sarah came to live with Anna and Caleb for a month, I could expect how the story will end. The story was smooth and calm like the tranquil night. There was nothing surprising or remarkable; however, I really like the theme, "new beginning," and the symbol, "garden."

Life never let me stay at one place. I have to keep moving around to go forward and grow up, but if I leave things after me, I could not fit in the new environment. Until college years, I always thought of the things I miss from the past years by comparing the lives between the years. Although it did not help me to do something, I could not accept the fact that no matter where I go, I will miss things that I had in previous years. I believed that if I did my best, if I made the other decision, my life would be much happier and more enjoyable. However, after accepting the truth of things I miss, I could move onto the next chapter. I could grow up and change. 

When I move on, at first I felt like an orphan. I have no where to go and nothing belongs to me. I felt like I lost my own stage for the play of my life. I didn't know the most important truth of the life. No matter where I go, there is another "garden" that I need to take care of and write my own words. 

Life never ends until death. Always new hope and wish spring up with the new beginning. With this idea, I would like to give five stars :^)* though it was a bit boring. ★★★★★

Sarah, Plain and Tall, Patricia MacLachlan

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