
September 8, 2013

 In the morning, I opened my eyes at 4:30 a.m., but because it was too early for me to wake up, I tried to sleep again its time became full of dreams, I cannot even remember. 

Anyway, as always, I went to church and listened to sermon on Psalm 86:1-4, (KJV),

"Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.
Preserve my soul; for I am holy: O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee.
Be merciful unto me, O LORD: for I cry unto thee daily.
Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul." 

While listening to sermon, one idea, "is the way you think like Pharisees," stroke me and made me confess on what I've thought and done. Even though knowing that have no right to judge others since we all are same, I always made my own excuses to make a judgement. Trying not to judge others is very hard for me, maybe for people and Christians, to stop from the influence of Adam and Eve eating the fruit of tree of knowing good and evil. 

After church, went to Payless and "Hana mart," Korean supermarket in West Lafayette, IN, and ate a double cheese burger at Daily Queen in Purdue West. After eating a double cheese burger and talking with friends, went to take a nap, really good one, lasting two hours. I personally think that Daily Queen's double cheese burger is the best! Even better than McDonald.

While watching a television show, it mentioned Victor Hugo's "The Man Who Laughs," which definitely grabbed my attention and intellectual interest. Even though the movie, Les Miserables, made me interested in Victor Hugo, not enough to made me read a book-not sure why; however, this one and interests in him made me desire to study French and read in his own language. I am not sure I can complete it or not, but if get a chance, I really want to study about him, since he is the one I am dreaming of, "poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, and human rights campaigner."

Also during searching for cool postcards, I found out one of the way reading books, making reading postcards, drawing a picture on the front and writing words to a main character, author, or another reader. I am really bad at drawing, but since desire to make a good one, may read some book about drawing. 

Well. I failed to manage my time, but still dreamed and planned my challenges. 

Key words for my desire
  1. W. E. B. Du Bois
  2. Victor Hugo
  3. Jane Austen
  4. Stephen King
  5. John Milton
  6. French
  7. German
  8. Chinese
  9. Japanese
  10. English
  11. Hebrew
  12. Latin
  13. Photography
  14. Climbing
  15. Reading books
  16. Writing poetry and stories
  17. Drawing
  18. knitting
  19. Playing guitar
  20. Bible!!!!!!!!!

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