
Keep changing until dying.

Although it was one of the best selling books, there was no chance for me to read. In fact, I just didn't want to read because everyone was talking about it when "Don't eat the Marshmallow ... Yet!" was published. However, a few days ago, I just grabbed the book in the library and started to read. It was less than a hundred pages, but contained the strong message that I usually forgot as the time goes. 

First, I have to change myself until dying. Since the generation and the people living in the period have been kept changing with different color and thoughts, I should always prepare for the change and get ready to accept the difference; however, sometimes, the comfort that stability provides are more attractive than adventurous life. I still remembered that once when I felt that my life got worse-actually it was not that bad, but I only thought that bad because of my immaturity, I blamed every single situation and said that I didn't ask for the huge fortune, but just normal, stable life. It was really funny when I thought about it at this moment, because there would be no life that is "normal" and "stable" since the way human beings were made is not "same" and the ideas that we have, both emotional and rational, are not "stable." As long as we all are different and keep thinking, there would be nothing stable and normal.

Second, taking responsibility of my life is the easiest way to face myself rather than blaming on the situation or others. After realizing that every single moment I face was from the choice I made in the past changed my philosophy. I should take the whole responsibility for every situation that I face and when I try to change or fix, the difficulty would change into the maturity and growth. Sometimes the hardship I face seems to be from outer source such as that my parents are not super duper rich or I am not amazingly smart or something else. But the thing is that those kinds of hardship is nothing and things that I am totally able to change with the faith and efforts. It taught me that my weakness and shortcoming more let me know the love and open the view toward the world. 

Most of the times, I am too complicated and emotional to push myself forward, but keep trying to remember that "life is simple and the world keeps changing."

★★★★★ Of course five stars for "Who moved my cheese?"


Are you different or wrong?

"But still, everyone knows I'm different," said Joe. "What did I do wrong?"
"You're not different," Marvin said. "I mean, everyone's different. Life would be boring if everyone was the same."
"But what do I do that is so different?" Joe asked. "I want to fit in. I want the other kids to like me. What do I have to do?"
Marvin didn't know what to say. He didn't want to hurt Joe's feelings.
"I don't want to be a door key," said Joe.
"You're not a door key," said Marvin. "You're a good friend. If the other kids can't see that, then that's their problem."
p. 56-57, Marvin Redpost #6: A flying birthday cake,
Louis Sachar

Since it is written for the children around the world, it only takes only about thirty minutes for me to read the whole story. I really like the story of the Marvin Redpost series and for next six or seven days, I'm planning to read all of them.

There are two main messages that I love about: a) everyone is different and the fact of difference makes life more enjoyable, and b) we often make others' problem as mine.

Through living on earth and trying to fit in the society, we easily makes the problems belonging to others let come into our lives as our own; however, the saddest part is that we could not even notice and live the way the others kept asking for us to do. When I was young, I got so much stress and pressure to be as the "standard" people that made by the society, but I realized that there was the huge gap between the reality and the ideal ego. Every time, I live on earth, the world and everyone around me had to pick on me by the difference of characteristics and personality. I should remember that it was not my problem, but theirs, and should try not to bring that into my lovable life.

I love to give five stars: ★★★★★, especially for the message that I love and keep myself remembering through daily lives.


What is your vision and purpose of the life?

Today, there was the religious confession by Kang, Gyun-sung, who is one of the well-known christian singer in Korea. I was really thankful that I've got the chance to listen to his life story in God. He was definitely strong and beautiful on the inside, as well as had a wonderful voice. It was about an hour and half, which I couldn't remember all the words he said. However, there were several things kept in my mind. 

1) Both temperament and ability go together. 

2) We all are sinners and there was no greater or smaller sin in front of God.

3) I should stand firmly on the words, not judging others. 

4) Our vision is not what I want to do, but God and gospel. 

I am asking for myself, what is your vision? 
Are you sure you can fully obey what God tells you to do? 


Having siblings would be different than imagination.

While reading the adorable book named "Beezus and Ramona" I suddenly thought that I was so blessed that I don't have any younger brother and sisters. I am an only child without any siblings, but I grew up with my cousin who is 5 years younger than me. Actually she was the pain for me not to remember for a while. She always wanted to have what I had, wanted to do what I've done, wanted to wear what I wore and so on. She seemed to want to be me. I got really annoyed when I was young and I truly didn't like her at all, but even I was so bothered though mothers were different, if under the same mother, it would be the real pain. Also if the parents showed the little favoritism, I would get so many wounds that I do not want to remember. In the book, their mother never showed any favoritism, but I could totally felt that how annoying Ramona was. Even though I got frustrated while reading the book, if I have the real one, I would die for the frustration.

When I was young, before 6 years old, before going to elementary school, I strongly desired to have any brother or sister, but now I really thank mom not to have one. I am sure when I got older, I would be little lonely being an only-child, but I hated to be annoyed and felt frustration in my younger years. I was too sensitive to get over with any type of tantrums. Having little sisters or brothers is not always pleasing and cute angel coming to the house.

Also, there was another thing I've thought of. We mostly got confused with what the really attention and care are. Humans are always asking for the love and care, but when they, the love and care, could not be fulfilled, we act differently which causing problems. When Ramona kept making the mischief, Beezus told her Aunt Beatrice. She replied this. 
"Lots of times little children are naughty because they want to attract attention. I have an idea that saying nothing about her naughtiness will worry Ramona more than a scolding (Beezus and Ramona, Beverly Cleary, p.109)." 
When I've read about the criminal minds, especially of the serial murderer, many of them usually thought that they could grab the attention. In my opinion, high rate of crime occurred with the careless of their parents and the lack of attention. In my case, I felt sick when needing some attention or care. My parents were really busy at my younger age and I had to stay at the nursery center while my parents working. If I got sick, then my mother had to stay with me. Since then, I believe that I pretend to be sick when I want to get the attention or ask for some excuses. For good education, we, adults, have to pay more attention to the good behaves than bad. They could get confused that to scold is the attention and care, unless we don't give them enough attention and praise their good works.  

★★★★★ I am not the person who easily gives five stars, but children, especially those who have younger sisters and brothers, enjoy reading. They can sympathize with the story and laugh together. (maybe got annoyed more than relieved) 


The appearance depends on the thoughts.

"If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly you can hardly bear to look at it.
A person who has good thoughts cannot every be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."
The Twits, Roald Dahl, Penguin Books, p. 7

Since last week, I started the Raold Dahl Project for a month, but I don't think it will take that long. The Roald Dahl Project is simply that I am planning to read most of his storytelling books. Now, I've read five of them. 
1) George's Marvelous Medicines, which I like with the imagination and the saying that do not be grumpy at your family, 
2) The Giraff and the Pelly and Me, which was the really cute story telling the total happy ending for all, 
3) Fantastic Mr Fox, which was really ridiculous and funny, 
4) The magic finger, which tells that do not kill animals and think in others' shoes, 
5) Esio Trot, which was the really cute love story that the old man showed his true passion toward the woman. 
Today, I read The Twits. Other five books were mostly telling the story without any specific message delivered by the author(in fact, those five were all great storytelling books giving the good message, such as being in others' shoes, loving with the true heart, ect), but this one actually have one. 

When I was young, my mother kept telling me that "smile and think happily. After 40-50 years old, you need to take the responsibility of your face which showed your thoughts, experiences and thoughts." I had no idea at that moment, but when I am getting older and older, I totally understand what she said. It was the truth that our face and the image have been kept changing and formed the impression. When I tried to think positively and be gentle, my face showed the love, but when I did not think positively and hate others, it showed the ugliness and sensitive feeling. 
Pretty and lovely are not belonging to how the eyes, nose, mouth, and body looks, but to how I think and act. 

Through this book, Roald Dahl tells two things. 
1) To have good thoughts which will shine out of your face
2) To be in others' shoes and nice to people and any living creatures around you.

★★★★★ I would please to give five stars. Short, fun, and meaningful. 
Great story, but a little bit disgusting in the beginning of the book when Mr Twit were described. 


The first week for the new planner of the brand new life.

It has been a week since I used this gorgeous little prince planner after baptism.
Little prince is one of my best favorite stories and the planner is one of my obsession, and these two were combined.

I changed the planner to prepare for the new life, the very different one than before, but there was nothing actually happening yet. It still reminded me of my decision what I would not live only for the wealth but for the justice and the truth in the Words. To keep this planner for a year, I kept in mind that why I am here to live in the world thought there are so many troubles waiting for me to eat up.

In-body, It's time to work out.

Today, I went to gym and did the in-body test.
No surprised that I got low Skeletal Muscle Mass and high Body Fat Mass since i did not work out for a long time. Recently I had a very hard time waking up in the morning and strongly felt that there was something going wrong in my body, which brought me to the gym rather than did by myself.

I now start to warm up my body for the best condition to work out for next 1-2 weeks and seek the healthy me again. I have no idea how long it will take, but think of 3 months, about 100 days. I need to get 5.8 kg more of Muscle and reduce 1.0 kg fat.
After three months, I truly hope to get my health back with the strong heart and well shaped body.


The first time when I dreamed of writing

It has been so long since I first dreamed of being the writer. Before I'd thought of writing, I was the person who stayed far away from writing. The only thing in my mind was to become the rich and live happily with my family. I was the simple creature and there was nothing big. When I was in middle school, the problem occurred. It was about the history and the island between Korea and Japan, and the question raised saying "why do my people have to feel the sorrow though we accomplished the emancipation 60 years ago? what was the problems?"

Korea went through the dynamic history, especially in twentieth century. We were colonized and experienced the massacres and sexual slavery. We've gone through the dramatic economic growth and got democratized. We've overcome the agony of the war and separation. Even though we are still fighting in between the war, we well come so far. But the history and the world always try to forget our story. which brought me the biggest question.

"Why does the world remember the holocaust, but not us?"
"Why does the world try to remember the pain that Jewish came through, but not us?"
"Why does the world study and talk about the sorrow of the slavery and forced labor happening through the world history, but not ours?"

However, the most sorrowful and painful fact was that even in Korea everything started to be forgotten, and so did I. After a few years, I watched the TV show about the mysterious fact and unbelievable history. It was talking about the island, called "The Island of Death." It was about the forced labors between in 1939-1945 and showed how cruel the Japan did to our grandparents; however, they tried to make it designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, under the "legendary modernization."

From the very bottom of my heart, something unknown aroused. Suddenly, I thought how Jewish let their story remembered. They wrote about it. They made the world read about their story. They kept writing and writing about their sad history not to forget. But in Korea, not many. It seemed they more tried to hide the truth. We were not really taught our pain in the history classes. We were made to only focused on the college entrance exam. Historical sadness was not the matter for us, but the individuals' lives were though most lost where we headed for. I've decided to be the writer who write about the history that the world kept telling us to forget and let go. I now know that if I let it go and tried to live only my life, then we all experienced the hell again. That was why I've decided to major in English and decided to write the literature.

It was the different video from what I actually watched, but says the same thing.