
Family day should be fun and set for the bonding.

My parents came to Seoul and it was the second day. They were likely talking all day long and I got some distraction while writing my own things, but the family is the love. I can still remember what my social studies teacher taught us when I was seventh grade.
Family meant "Father And Mather, I Love You." How sweet that abbriviation was.
Our first Seoul Tour Course was at the Seoul Art Center to see the Modigliani exhibition. Actually two weeks ago, we visited for the Fernando Botero exhibition. It wasn't the best-I always expected as the Picaso or Gogh kind of art, but it was okay to heal with the fatty people drew by the round lines.
Modigliani was one of "the leading artists" for Avant Garde; however, I might be too fool to catch all the message he would like to deliver. It wasn't that good, but okay. But the worst part was that there were too many kids who distracted others to focus on the art. I only like a few, maybe three or four. Since my belief for art is that it always includes the messages and the spirits of the artists, in fact, for me, it was little hard to find the base message that he wanted to deliver. Or, I didn't like that depressing face without pupils.

Our family had very weak physical strength which asked us for some nap time. We came back home and took a nap for about two hours. When I woke up, my father packed to go to coffee shop to read some books he brought from Dae-jeon. He asked me for his company and went to the well-known coffee shop nearby my house. We talked about how we can earn money through writing and lecturing and how the elder needs to prepare for their later years. Since he thought of the stock-investing, after talking with me, he changed his mind. Well, to choose what to do for our lives, considering what we could bring our best ability and concentration is the very first step that should be considered.
When my mother woke up an hour later, we went to Hong-Dae, where is the popular place for the youth. There were so many things to see, such as busking for some money or for reputation, Hea-na, street fashion, trend, food, so on. We did Hea-na together on our arm, which was almost removed after taking a shower unluckily. We drank some beer together, actually expect me. We walked around and looking at the other people. But the best part of all was getting the dog key chain! My father went into the baseball practice room and got more than 290, which let him get one of the key chain with the small dog doll. My mother got very excited and enjoyed the time.
I am so proud of my parents who tried to live young. They are always trying to exprience the new thing and learn the new world. Although we missed the independent band concert, we came back home for some chicken and beer at home. I felt so great since they enjoyed the culture that could be new to them.

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