
Polly Honeycombe #2

I have not read so many books for nothing. Novels, Nursee, Novels! A Novel is the only thing to teach a girl life, and the way of the world, and elegant fancies, and love to the end of the chapter." (P. 72)

Lord , Nursee, if it was not for Novels and Love-letters, a girl would have no use for her writing and reading.-But what's here? [reading.] Poetry!" (P. 77)

Lord, Papa, how can you be so angry with me? - I am as dutiful as any girl in the world.- But there's always an uproar in the family about marrying the daughter, and now poor I must suffer in my turn." (P. 86)

Dispose of me!-See there now!-Why you have no notion of these things, Papa!-Your head's so full if trade and commerce, that you would dispose of your daughter like a piece if merchandise-But my heart is my own property, and at nobody's disposal, but my own.-Sure you would not consign me, like a bale of silk, to Ledger and Co.-Eh! Papa!" (P. 87)

"Honeycombe, alone.
Zouns, I shall run mad with vexation-I shall-Was ever man so heartily provoked?-You see now, Gentlemen, [coming forward to the audience.] what a situation I am in!-Instead of happiness and jollity,-My friends and family about me,-A wedding and a dance,-And every thing as it should be,- Here am I, left by myself,-Deserted by my intended son-in-law-Bully'd by an attorney's clerk-My Daughter mad-My Wife in the Vapours-And all's in confusion. -This comes of Cordials and Novels. -Zouns, your Stomachicks are the Devil-And a man might as well turn his Daughter loose in Covent-garden, as trust the cultivation of her mind to

According to Polly,
"Novels are Hotbeds for your forward Plants.
Not only Sentiments refine the Soul,
But hence we learn to be the Smart and Drole;
Each awkward circumstance for laughter serves,
From Nurse's nonsense to my Mother's NERVES:"

"NOVELS will teach us all the Art of War:" (P. 110)

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