
February First

The first month of 2013 was already gone. Time goes way faster than I expected. Always made some resolutions for each month and tried to live fruitfully, but did not work out as much as I imagined. However, still, I am planning for the new time coming. I re-made my blog under my name, Ellen Ju, instead of "Talithakoum," which might be little hard for whom wanted to find.
As always, planning on updating my blog regularly about literature, writing, bible, movie, so on. This month, I more focus on my academic material rather than other extra works I assigned to myself. I am taking classes about 1) Introduction to Creative Writing, 2) Literature by the winner of Nobel Prizes, 2) English structure and meaning, 4) Restoration, 5) Modern Poetry, and 6) American Women Poets. While reading poems, short stories, and novels, I always try to give some information or review on either literary matters or literary figure. So excited for new start! Hope everything work out very well.

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